Hey there! I´m Paula LC,

Data Scientist

I help businesses to create Data Science and AI products that empower them to make informed, data-driven decisions.

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Scaling AI to improve data and using data to power AI



Events & Talks


Del raw data a la visualización efectiva

T3chFest, 2023

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Innovación en la visualización de datos

Vocento, 2023

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10 keys for a good data visualization

Spain AI, 2021

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El arte del dato bien contado

Encuentro R Hispano, 2020

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Creating impact with data

Masterclass U-Tad, 2020

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Mastering R presentations

Coding Club UC3M, 2019

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Data: The new oil of the 21st century

Iron Hack, 2018

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Interview by Telefónica #mujereshacker

Entrevista Telefónica, 2017

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Elevator Pitch

Equinox Spring, Telefónica, 2017

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How to create presentations in R

R Users Madrid, 2017

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Netflix & Spotify Recommender Systems

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2022

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Introduction to Recommender Systems

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2022

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Recommendation Systems using holistic customer insights

Big Data Spain, 2018

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An Introduction to Deep Learning

CDO Learning Hub, Telefónica, 2018

Artifical Intelligence for Facial Recognition

Girls Inspire Tech, Telefónica, 2018

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Apache Spark for Dummies

Bigeekies Telefónica, 2017

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