
Welcome to our App Analytics Report, a comprehensive exploration of applications A and B. This report unfolds with a focus on the latest metrics, providing a real-time snapshot of app A and B’s performance. Then continues with a historical lens on App Trends, revealing growth trajectories and shifts in user behavior over time. Following this, we delve into the top 10 feature’s profiles, spotlighting the key features that resonate with users.

While the author may not claim expertise in app analytics, this analysis is grounded in the use of Apple’s App Analytics, a comprehensive tool for measuring an app’s performance. The intention is to showcase the capabilities of R and Rmarkdown in the context of analytics report, showing a template to perform similar analyses and insights. Let’s delve into the key metrics and trends, keeping in mind that the information presented is purely for illustrative purposes.


Active User Metrics



Daily Active Users (DAU)


Monthly Active Users (MAU)



Daily Active Users (DAU)


Monthly Active Users (MAU)

App Metrics

Latest metrics for app A and B

App A

223 impressions
346 product page view
2578 conversion rate
2338 total downloads
2704 proceeds
4336 sessions

App B

2446 impressions
2692 product page view
7156 conversion rate
6676 total downloads
7408 proceeds
10672 sessions


Crashes increase 20% in App A

Crashes increase 10% in App B

App profiles

Top 10 Feature’s Profiles of app A and B

App Profiles

Radar chart shows the app's profile by feature. Each point represents the average percentage of time a user spend on this app feature.


In terms of conversion rates and the volume of impressions, it is evident that App B emerges as the more favorable choice for an upcoming campaign. It is crucial to emphasize that all the figures, remarks, and conclusions articulated in this report are entirely fictitious. The sole intent is to illustrate the construction of a reproducible report, meticulously designed and implemented using R, without any real-world implications.